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Helping High Achievers
Design a Life They Love

the Journal

In a world that often measures success by how much we can juggle, I want to explore how faith reorients our understanding and our true fulfillment.

Deep Dive Series Part 5: How To Use Your Faith to Guide You

99: Deep Dive Series Part 5: How To Use Your Faith to Guide You

If you make the choice to focus on quality and being present in the moment each and every day, you’re going to watch your life transform.

Reclaiming Your Identity in the Chaos of Life

98: Deep Dive Series Part 4: Quality Over Quantity

We have talked about the practical steps to finding your rhythm, and we have talked about setting boundaries. Now let’s take a moment to understand the psychology behind it all.

Deep Dive Series Part 3: Psychological Triggers and Roadblocks

97: Deep Dive Series Part 3: Psychological Triggers and Roadblocks

Boundaries are not just about saying no to other people, they are about saying yes to what’s important to you.

Deep Dive Series Part 2: Setting Healthy Boundaries

96: Deep Dive Series Part 2: Setting Healthy Boundaries

Part 1 of this series is all about the number one thing that I hear from people that keeps them up at night – how to find the rhythm between work and personal life.

95: Deep Dive Series Part 1: The Myth of Having It All

Trust is an important component of almost all social interactions in the context of a close marriage relationship.

Building a Stronger Sense of Trust with Your Partner

94: Building a Stronger Sense of Trust with Your Partner

You’re going to discover how to finally quiet your mind so you can hear Jesus, too.

Seven Steps to Slow Down and Hear What Jesus is Trying to Tell You

93: Seven Steps to Slow Down and Hear What Jesus is Trying to Tell You

Differences in money attitudes are usually at the root of all financial conflict in marriage. Needless to say, it’s pretty important to get on the same page.

The Devil Doesn't Need to Destroy You If He Can Distract You

92: Money & Marriage: Understanding Your Money Meanings

Negative override is when your bad thoughts about your partner and relationship overwhelm and override any positive thoughts.

Saving Your Marriage from the Flames of Negative Override

91: Saving Your Marriage from the Flames of Negative Override

I’m a small-town Oklahoma girl living the big city life in Houston, Texas with even BIGGER dreams. I was an elementary school teacher turned marriage and family therapist with a passion for helping families live their best lives.

About Amy

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Jesus' Daughter, Wife, Mom, CEO, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, High-Performance Business Coach, Podcast Host, & Professional Taco-Eater

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