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Helping High Achievers
Design a Life They Love

the Journal

THAT’S IT! I’ve done it! I’ve pinpointed the one place in my life that can cause me to quickly spiral to a negative place like no other.

How to get out of email overwhelm for CEOs

How to Get Out of Email Overwhelm for CEOs

It’s hard to get through your day when your energy levels are low. It’s easy to feel lost, distracted, uncertain or unclear, and that can lead to mental well-being suffering.

The Four-Step Framework for Making a Decision You Feel Good About

Get More Energy to Get Through Your Day By Assessing This ONE Thing

“Vulnerability” is a buzz word that you hear fairly commonly these days. So, why is it so important in building a business or nurturing a relationship? It can add a level of depth and connection that is difficult to reach without being vulnerable. For example, when I did my first BETA group for my marriage […]

The Six Rules of Conflict That Your Marriage Therapist Wishes You Knew

42: Vulnerability: Why It’s Important in Business and Relationships

I have been thinking about leadership a lot lately.  I’ve been asking myself, how have I grown as a leader?  Where are my growth areas as a leader? Where do I need to be a leader?  When I first think of being a leader, I think of my team and business. Yes, of course, this […]

Who am I following in 2020?

I’m a small-town Oklahoma girl living the big city life in Houston, Texas with even BIGGER dreams. I was an elementary school teacher turned marriage and family therapist with a passion for helping families live their best lives.

About Amy

the categories

Jesus' Daughter, Wife, Mom, CEO, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, High-Performance Business Coach, Podcast Host, & Professional Taco-Eater

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