

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs to overcome overwhelm in life, relationships, and business.





Thrive Life TV

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Welcome back to the enlightening finale of our 5-part Deep Dive Series! 

In this episode of Couch Time, I’m diving deep into a topic that so many of us resonate with- the guiding role of faith in debunking the myth of having it all. 

In a world that often measures success by how much we can juggle, I want to explore how faith reorients our understanding and our true fulfillment.

The truth is that having it all isn’t about the quantity of things in our lives. It’s about the quality of things. It’s about finding a rhythm that aligns with your faith, values, and the season of life that you’re in, and in this episode, I’ll show you how. 

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • [1:40] – The moment I realized I had neglected my own spiritual and emotional well-being
  • [4:30] – This is how your faith plays into finding the rhythm that resonates with the core of who you are and what you believe
  • [5:10] – What does success really mean for you? Your faith can help you understand
  • [6:25] – We have to stop believing in the  illusion of “balance” 
  • [8:15] – How can you use faith to guide your decision-making? This is what the Bible tells us
  • [9:10] – This is what happens when you serve your community and others around you 
  • [10:48] – What you need to do to truly redefine the concept of having it all 

I hope you enjoyed this Deep Dive Series! As you move forward into your week, I want to encourage you to reflect on what we’ve covered in this episode. 

Think about how you can apply them in your personal growth, your relationships, and your professional life. Remember, it’s about finding a rhythm that resonates with your faith, your values, and the unique season of life you’re in.

Thrive Life TV is available now! Check it out today and transform your life! 



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Deep Dive Series Part 5: How To Use Your Faith to Guide You


December 6, 2023

99: Deep Dive Series Part 5: How To Use Your Faith to Guide You

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Hi, I'm Amy.

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs ditch overwhelm in Life, Relationships, & Business so they can live authentically, love deeply, and lead purposefully in a unique sustainable rhythm that achieves holistic success.  

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