

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs to overcome overwhelm in life, relationships, and business.





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In this episode of Couch Time, I sat down with Billie Jauss to talk about how we can spiritually detox, eliminate emotional toxins, and give up the things that are getting in the way of us deepening our relationship with God. 

Billie Jauss is the author of two books, ‘Making Room’ and ‘Distraction Detox’. She speaks across the country and is the host of ‘The Family Room’ podcast, which provides practical biblical guidance and challenging motivation for women who want to accomplish God’s best in their faith, family, and friendships. 

Billie and her husband Dave, a professional baseball coach, spend the baseball season on the road and the off-season in southwest Florida.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • [4:56] – Sometimes, God just wants us to listen to what he has planned for us
  • [11:35] – It’s not our job to judge, it’s our job to love
  • [13:15] – Give up these external and internal things to move forward in your relationship with God
  • [24:21] – Here’s how you can release those emotional toxins
  • [31:15] – What you can do to stop negative thoughts in their tracks
  • [32:52] – Do you need a spiritual detox? Here’s how to tell
  • [36:51] – Stop using busyness to cover up your emotional toxins
  • [43:04] – These are the four types of connections you have with people
  • [53:42] – Serve one person at a time
  • [1:04:42] – God will give you the darts to hit the targets he wants you to

I hope you enjoyed this conversation with Billie! I love how intentional she is about deepening her relationship with God and eliminating those toxins that keep us from going deeper. 

If you want to learn more from her, you can check out her website to find her books and take her quiz. 

If you’re looking for some support and guidance on your personal growth journey, in your marriage, or even in your business, then I invite you to check out the Thrive Life Collective app. Our holistic approach, rooted in research, science, and scripture, can help you strengthen your life, relationships, and business one step at a time! Join now!



Resources Mentioned:

Visit Billie’s website

Follow Billie on Facebook

Follow Billie on Instagram

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How To Spiritually and Emotionally Detox Your Life and Follow God’s Plan with Billie Jauss


July 5, 2023

77: How To Spiritually and Emotionally Detox Your Life and Follow God’s Plan with Billie Jauss

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Hi, I'm Amy.

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs ditch overwhelm in Life, Relationships, & Business so they can live authentically, love deeply, and lead purposefully in a unique sustainable rhythm that achieves holistic success.  

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