

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs to overcome overwhelm in life, relationships, and business.





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I hope you had an amazing holiday season and are ready for the new year!

You’re probably hearing a lot about New Year’s resolutions right now, but completing a goal or resolution isn’t something that just happens. It takes intention every day to make real progress!

It’s so important to have a plan. Nothing gets done if there isn’t a plan!

So in this replay episode, Jon and I are going in-depth about why we need to be intentional with our time and what system we use to check in weekly.

If you’re interested in being more intentional this year, you’re going to enjoy this episode. 

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • How to manage expectations over the holiday season
  • Why you need to be intentional with your time
  • The importance of paying attention to what you say “yes” and “no” to
  • Why so many divorces happen in January
  • What happens when you do not plan
  • Brendon Burchard’s High-Performance Planner weekly review and check-in
  • How we rate the key areas in our lives and discuss how we can improve on them
  • Why you should review your daily habits 

If you can change what you’re doing in your marriage, you can change everything. It’s not about what your spouse does or doesn’t do. It’s about what you do or don’t do.

How are you going to be intentional in the new year?

If you’re trying to start your day with positive energy, show up as your best self, and lead like Jesus, check out Thrive Today for daily bite-sized audio messages of motivation and encouragement. Go to amywine.com/thrivetoday to learn more and start listening. 



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How We Are Being Intentional In The New Year


January 4, 2023

54: How We Are Being Intentional In The New Year

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Hi, I'm Amy.

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs ditch overwhelm in Life, Relationships, & Business so they can live authentically, love deeply, and lead purposefully in a unique sustainable rhythm that achieves holistic success.  

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