I wanted to be in the best shape of my life by today. I’m NOT!
I wanted to be a published author by today. I’m not!
I wanted to be a millionaire by today. I’m not!
I wanted to be a world wide traveler by today. I’m not!
I wanted to be a wife who had her whizz together by today. I’m not!
I wanted to be a mom who learned to speak to her children without frustration and anger by today. I’m not!
I wanted to be a leader who doesn’t make so many “foot-in-my-mouth” mistakes by today. I’m not!
There are so many things across my life that I said “I’ll be that by the time I’m 50”. I’ll be more intentional, more joyful, more loving, successful, put together, forgiving…and the list could go on forever.
Today is the day. The BIG 5-0!!!
While I haven’t accomplished or done all the things I said I would by today, I know who I am!
I am imperfect. I make mistakes. I have a hard time trusting, being vulnerable, and allowing others to be close to me at times.
However, I am proud to say that I am a passionate, loving, kind, and giving woman.
I am an unfinished being who will continue to seek and find who she is designed to be by God.
I am a servant, a leader, a wife, a mom, a dog lover, a taco enthusiast, a loyal friend, and a person who tries her best and fails gloriously at times.
I am a lifelong learner, avid reader, dreamer, and I get lost in my thoughts more often than I should be.
But I work HARD to help others find their joy, their passion, and help build them an immensely fruitful life.
So instead of beating myself up for all the things I haven’t accomplished or become by this milestone of a birthday, I find joy and serenity in who I am right now, because I am perfect in God’s eyes.
I am blessed!

May 19, 2021
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