Have you ever heard of stonewalling?
Stonewalling is avoiding conversations or refusing to talk to someone. It can be used unintentionally as a coping mechanism to minimize or avoid conflict, but it can also be used to manipulate or control a partner.
You can see why it’s important to know what it is and what it looks like so that you can determine where it shows up in your life. Maybe someone is stonewalling you or maybe you’re stonewalling someone else without really meaning to. This episode is going to help you figure out why you might be stonewalling and what to do about it.
We’re going to look at three important questions: How are you stonewalling yourself? How are you stonewalling your spouse, children, or coworkers? How are you stonewalling God?
If you want to improve the relationships in your life, this is an episode you’re not going to want to miss.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- What stonewalling is
- How stonewalling is used in different ways
- The difference between stonewalling and flooding
- How to identify stonewalling
- Why you have to tear down your walls
- The power in dealing with the things you don’t want to deal with
- How stonewalling can turn a small thing into a big thing
- How to stop stonewalling
- What stonewalling might look like in your life
How often are you putting up a wall because you don’t want to deal with something? I’m pretty sure we’ve all done it, but now I want to give you some tools to help you tear those walls down and start communicating more openly.
God designed us to work and to rest. You might think it’s impossible to find time for rest in your busy life, but your body needs it. How do you implement rest in this crazy modern world? Go to www.godcreatedrest.com to find out the 7 types of God-given rest and get a free 30 plan to integrate them into your life.
Resources Mentioned:
7 Types of God-Given Rest 30-Day Plan
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May 11, 2022
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