

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs to overcome overwhelm in life, relationships, and business.





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In our last episode, we talked about the circle of control that helps us stay positive during this period of crisis. In this episode, we will dive deep into one area many people cringe just thinking about: Finances!

If you’re like me, you may hate numbers and budgeting, but it’s high time you do some diligence to better weather the storm we’re in. Make sure to tune in to today’s episode because I will be talking about your financial priorities which is something you can control.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • How your view of money and how it differs from that of your spouse affects your marriage
  • Financial steps to take in times of crisis
  • How you can get expert advice on finances
  • Resources available to you for better financial health
  • How to build an emergency savings



“The number one cited reason for divorce is finances. So if you take the number one thing for divorce and you increase it and you compound it with stress coming at you from every angle and every side, what’s going to happen? You’re going to explode.” – Amy

“You cannot change what you don’t acknowledge.” – Amy

“What you bring into your conversation with your spouse is going to be what you get out of it. So what energy and vibe are you bringing?” – Amy


Resources Mentioned: 

Don’t forget to join us live every Tuesday & Thursday from [12:00]-[12:30] CST on the Amy Wine Counseling Center Facebook page for Coffee With a Counselor.


Additional Resources:

Spark: Re-Ignite Your Marriage

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March 31, 2020

27: Taking Control of Your Finances in Times of Crisis

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Hi, I'm Amy.

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs ditch overwhelm in Life, Relationships, & Business so they can live authentically, love deeply, and lead purposefully in a unique sustainable rhythm that achieves holistic success.  

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