

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs to overcome overwhelm in life, relationships, and business.





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Do you ever feel stuck because you don’t know how to make a decision? 

For example, you have a decision in front of you. It’s a yes or a no. Do I or don’t I? Run towards it or run away? It’s simple, but you just don’t know how to make it. 

Sound familiar?

In this episode of Couch Time, it’s just me and you. I’m helping you live your best life by learning how to make a decision.  You’ll learn my four-part framework that makes it so much easier to make a decision you feel good about.

This is something that I have used on my journey to become the best version of myself, so I’m so excited to dive into it with you today. I am a lifelong learner and I’m constantly trying to up-level. I want to make sure that my yeses and my nos are what God is asking me to do first and foremost, and that I am completely at peace with them. 

This four-part framework is going to help you make the right decision and have peace with it.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • Why your mindset is the foundation of everything and how to shift it
  • Why pursuing your passion should be your priority when making a decision
  • The four steps in this framework and how to put them into action
  • How to know when it’s a “no” 
  • How your faith in God and his guidance will help you make the right decision

I hope you enjoyed this episode and that it helps you make a decision. Remember, if you have indecision, just sit with it until you’re in neutral. 

If you’re ready to take your personal growth journey to the next level, then you need the Thrive Life Collective. This all-in-one holistic life experience is designed with high-achievers in mind, just like you. With daily 3-5 minute audio snippets, you can get the motivation and encouragement you need to thrive in life, relationships, and business. It’s like having a personal coach in your pocket! Don’t wait any longer to start living your best life. Sign up for the Thrive Life Collective today! 



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The Four-Step Framework for Making a Decision You Feel Good About


May 17, 2023

70: The Four-Step Framework for Making a Decision You Feel Good About

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Hi, I'm Amy.

I empower elite-achieving, married, Christian entrepreneurs ditch overwhelm in Life, Relationships, & Business so they can live authentically, love deeply, and lead purposefully in a unique sustainable rhythm that achieves holistic success.  

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Start Thriving in Life, Relationships, and Business

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